Inauguration of TRG’s New Information Technology Center in Karachi

Inauguration of TRG’s New Information Technology Center in Karachi

May 12,2017
Karachi, 11th May 2017: The Resource Group (TRG) opened its state-of-the-art IT facility, a new 16-story tower located on main Shahrah-e-Faisal, in an opening ceremony held today. US Ambassador to Pakistan, David Hale inaugurated the facility along with Grace Shelton, the US Consul General in Karachi. The ceremony was attended by leaders of the business community and also the IT industry in Karachi along with senior members of TRG global leadership team from the USA. Speaking on the occasion, Nadeem Elahi, Managing Director and Country Manager for TRG Pakistan said “We have specifically designed this IT facility to service TRG’s local and international clients. This facility will create employment for 3,000 young professionals in IT and IT-enabled services in Karachi and will be the largest of its kind in Pakistan. TRG Pakistan, through its subsidiaries: IBEX Global, DGS, E-Telequote, iSky and Afiniti employs approximately 6,000 young professionals in IT/IT-enabled services and enterprise software. We remain among the leading exporters of IT and software and ancillary services from Pakistan. The current fiscal year has been great for our Pakistan-based operations with an overall growth of over 40% having added 2,000 new employees from the prior year. In spite of all the challenges, TRG is extremely bullish on the Pakistan IT industry and we firmly believe that it can be a leading exporter for Pakistan within the next 5-10 years.” Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador David Hale said “The United States is one of Pakistan’s largest trading partners and many American companies are present and thriving here in Karachi and throughout Sindh. Today we mark a successful American-Pakistani business partnership as we inaugurate this new IT services facility, a major expansion of the operations of TRG and its subsidiary IBEX Global, and the largest facility of its kind here in Pakistan.” He also toured the facility and met with employees and lauded TRG for its efforts in promotion of employment of youth in Pakistan and particularly creating jobs for women in the country. “IBEX Global is TRG’s largest subsidiary in terms of revenues and we are a company that is building a reputation as one of the fastest growing providers in the BPO market,” said Bob Dechant, CEO of IBEX Global. He further added: “In 2012, IBEX was an US$80 million company. Today, we are a company with revenues of US$260 million and are on a trajectory to grow beyond US$300m in our fiscal year 2018. While our revenues have more than tripled in 5 years, our profitability has grown 8 to 9 fold. IBEX is a global Business Process Outsourcer with over 18,000 employees and 25 sites worldwide – 10 in the US, 4 in the Philippines, 1 in Jamaica, 1 in Nicaragua, 1 in United Kingdom, 1 in Senegal and 7 in Pakistan. We represent some of the best brands in the industry – from the leading technology and consumer electronics companies to many of the top telecommunications, financial services and emerging technology companies.”

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